Wanna go started on the new Vex Offensive in Destiny two: Shadowkeep? Nosotros got you lot covered.

Actress-dimensional robots are attacking the moon! For some reason. Actually, nobody knows what the Vex are after as their ways remain mysterious and contradictory. All we know is that the Vex are strangely covered in leaves and branches and are looking to kicking some tail.

So naturally, it's upwards to the Guardians to kick it back and get some sweet loot while they're at it.

Withal, starting the Vex Offensive questline isn't entirely obvious. Never fear, for nosotros're here to guide you each step of the way. Starting with getting this Optics on the Moon directing out of the way.

Oh, and past the manner, this quest is doable at power level 750, so even brand new players can get in on this action. There are some pretty sweet drops at the end of information technology too, then veteran players are likewise encouraged to take up arms confronting the oncoming Vex hoard.

Stride 1: Go Talk To Ikora Rey

Ivora Rey
via Bungie

In case you're new, she's in The Tower in the bazaar. Talk to her and you'll go the Vex Invasion quest, which tasks you with kill 100 Vex and 3 Gate Lords. Off-white enough.

Footstep 2: Go To The Moon And Kill Some Vex

This is too not exactly straight forwards, but it's relatively simple once you become the hang of information technology. Finding the Vex involves heading to one of three different Vex Invasion locations on the moon. They're marked by a Vex icon in the same relief as Lost Sectors, merely they're not exactly precise. The actual Vex portal tin appear anywhere around that location, so you might have to wait around.

They're also non always active. You might have to head to a location and and then wait a bit for the actual invasion to begin. You'll know you're in the right spot when you see a large blue electric ball in the sky with Vex all effectually it.

Vex Invasion Zone
via Shacknews

Now merely get your murder on. Killing 100 Vex is uncomplicated plenty, but Gate Lords are a fleck more than challenging. They're big, tough, and seem to spawn a flake randomly. You'll likely have to do multiple Invasions before you get all three. Too, they can sometimes escape, so all-time prioritize these targets first with your fireteam.

Pace 3: Get To Eris Morn

Once you're done killing Vex, head to Eris Morn on the moon. You'd call up you'd plow this quest in to Ikora, but no, Eris has more piece of work for you. Specifically, the Vex Invasion arena with its attendant boss fight.

Step 4: Become To Vex Offensive, Kill Crotheon Gate Keeper

The Crotheon Gate Keeper isn't also long of a boss fight, but he is shielded, and that can artificially inflate your time-to-kill if yous don't know what you're doing.

But first, you lot're going to need to kill a whole bunch more than Vex. Afterwards yous actuate the marked platform, Vexi will spawn and continue to attack in waves until the platform charge approximate reaches 100%. That's nigh 5 minutes.

Next, 6 Oracles will appear and you lot'll need to impale them along with some Gate Technician Minotaurs. They'll drop a Void Cranium which you lot'll need to intermission the Oracles.

Continue frontwards following the path until you reach another platformed surface area. Echo the before process of murdering Vex, Oracles, and Gate Technicians all in 5 minutes, simply this fourth dimension they'll be tougher and in that location will exist 12 Oracles instead of 6. Then, information technology's on to the final showdown between your fireteam and the Crotheon Gate Keeper.

Once you enter the arena, Mr. Crotheon will make it clear that he'due south not happy with your presence. Sadly, he's also shielded, making information technology necessary to kill his Gate Technicians before taking it to Mr. Crotheon himself.

The Gate Technicians are somewhat more powerful mobs that appear during the fight. Killing them causes them to drop their Void Craniums, which tin then be picked up and aimed at the Crotheon like giant lasers. Keep the beam aimed at the Crotheon until his shield drops, and so apply conventional damage liberally.

His shields will popular back upwardly from time to time, requiring this process to be repeated. Keep doing it until he drops dead.

Step v: Return To Ikora, Hand In Quest

Pulse Rifle
via Bungie

Render to Ikora in The Tower and y'all're done! Only not really. She'll hand out a agglomeration of bounties where yous tin can redo the Vex Offensive for more chances at loot, every bit well as offer some specific rewards if you provide the right components.

There are a ton of good things to grab, including a moss-covered Hand Cannon, Pulse Rifle, Watch Rifle, and Submachine Gun, plus a bunch of armor. All of information technology is adept, so go get 'em!

NEXT: Destiny 2: How To Find The Secret NASA Keepsake